
Cultural and natural heritage

Here everyone can find what is important to his mind

A living tradition and cultural monuments, an enchanting scenery of landscaped vineyards and the wild beauty of the natural park – the World of Graševina abounds in diverse contents among which everyone can truly find something for themselves and their soul.

Cultural and natural heritage


Archaeological site of Rudina

The Rudina archaeological site is located on the slopes of Psunj, above the villages of Čečavac and Šnjegavić. More...

The Rudina archaeological site is located on the slopes of Psunj, above the villages of Čečavac and Šnjegavić. Roman bricks and an ancient tomb from the 3rd or 4th century were found on this site, which indicates the existence of a Roman settlement in this area. The central part of the site is an architectural complex from the MIddle Ages. It is about the Benedictine monastery of St. Michael, which is referred to in written documents from 1210. A Romanesque and a Gothic church were also found next to the monastery. The most important findings of this site are the heads of Rudina – twenty-two sculptures of unique style that decorated the external parts of the church walls. Their discovery represented a real archaeological sensation that brought world fame and recognition to this historical site. It is also worth mentioning the tombstone with the inscription „BRAT IAN“, which dates back to the years around 1200, and which means that it is 150 years older than the other Latin inscriptions in Croatian language we knew about until recently.

Čečavac, Brestovac, Požeško-slavonska

Kutjevo Wine Cellar

The cellar, whose foundation goes back to the 13th century, has been preserved in its original form, representing one of the main attractions of wine tourism. More...

The cellar, whose foundation goes back to the 13th century, has been preserved in its original form, representing one of the main attractions of wine tourism. The oldest wine cellar in Croatia is an ideal place to start your wine adventure in the World of Graševina.

Trg Graševine 1, Kutjevo
+ 385 99 2142 358

Kutjevo Castle

This protected monument of architectural heritage was founded on the remains of a Cistercian abbey and it has been completely restored. More...

This protected monument of architectural heritage was founded on the remains of a Cistercian abbey and it has been completely restored. The park around the castle is a protected monument of garden architecture. The castle is not open to the public.

Zdenka Turkovića 32-34, Kutjevo

Villa Vinkomir, Kutjevo

Villa Vinkomir was built according to the model of guardhouses from the times of the Ottoman Empire. More...

Villa Vinkomir was built according to the model of guardhouses from the times of the Ottoman Empire. This viewpoint is so well located that it offers you one of the most beautiful views on Kutjevo and its surroundings. It is really a perfect place for perfect photos.


Interpretation Centre Terra Panonica

The Interpretation Centre Terra Panonica in Pleternica is meant to be a place where you can discover the wonderful world of natural beauty from the period of the Pannonian Sea until nowadays. More...

The Interpretation Centre Terra Panonica in Pleternica is meant to be a place where you can discover the wonderful world of natural beauty from the period of the Pannonian Sea until nowadays.

Trg Zrinskog i Frankopana 4, Pleternica
+385 34 255 411

Croatian Library and Reading Hall of Pleternica

The library with a long history is dedicated to the preservation of the written word, culture and knowledge. More...

The library with a long history is dedicated to the preservation of the written word, culture and knowledge. This modern public institution in the heart of Pleternica is a guarantee for the future and progress of this town and its citizens.

Vinogradska 3, Pleternica
+385 34 251 045, +385 99 251 0450

Starac Educational Trail and Viewpoint

In the town of Pleternica, an educational trail has been arranged leading you through orchards and vineyards. More...

In the town of Pleternica, an educational trail has been arranged leading you through orchards and vineyards. It stretches from the area of the parish church to St. Peter's Chapel on Starac hill, after which it was named. There are ten educational boards along the way. A resting area is on the very top of the hill near the Bačva viewpoint. From this place, the view extends to the Golden Valley, the vineyards of Pleternica, the forests and plains. This educational trail presents the natural resources and the forests. It calls for nature conservation, and it is 3,25km long. At the top of Starac hill, at 347 m/asl, there is St. Peter's Chapel, a place of prayer and peace with a view on Pleternica and its surroundings.

Rose and Wine Route

The unique wine route passes through a landscape full of vineyards alternating with plantations of multi-coloured roses. More...

The unique wine route passes through a landscape full of vineyards alternating with plantations of multi-coloured roses. The route is 3,5km long and ends at a viewpoint with a magnificent view of the surrounding forests and plains.

Požega County Palace

The Požega County Palace is a building erected in historicist style, resulting from the extension of a Baroque building from the first half of the 18th century and which was remodeled for the needs of the county in 1745. More...

The Požega County Palace is a building erected in historicist style, resulting from the extension of a Baroque building from the first half of the 18th century and which was remodeled for the needs of the county in 1745. In addition to the premises necessary for the county affairs, there were also residential parts for the dignitaries, officials and servants. Thanks to the efforts made by the great prefect of Požega, the nobleman Nikola Jurković, a new representative building, the Požega County Palace, was built on the basis of this building in 1895. The building was designed by the famous Zagreb architects Leo Honigsberg and Julio Deutsh. It was built in the spirit of historicism, which is recognizable in every detail of its sumptuous exterior appearance and interior decoration. In the building, in addition to the old county flag, the coat of arms and the list of prefects, there are also numerous portraits painted by some of the greatest Croatian artists. The building also has great historical importance. On October 23rd, 1847, the Croatian Parliament took the decision to introduce the Croatian language as the official language, and in Požega palace on December 4th the same year, the Croatian language was officially spoken for the first time ever. At the county assembly, the deputy prefect nobleman Miroslav Kraljević suggested the introduction of the national language into official use, which was accepted right away and the session continued in Croatian language.

Požega City Museum

The Požega City Museum is a complex homeland museum with eight departments comprising more than 80 000 exhibits, books and publications. More...

The Požega City Museum is a complex homeland museum with eight departments comprising more than 80 000 exhibits, books and publications. Throughout history, it often had to change its permanent exposition because of inappropriate premises. But now the museum is about to achieve an overall permanent exposition on 600m2, which will unite three representative buildings in the city centre into a single entity of unique conception.

Ul. Matice hrvatske 5, Požega
+385 34 272 130

Visitor’s Centre Požega House

This centre is meant to connect the town's cultural and tourist institutions and to be an ideal starting point for every guest. More...

This centre is meant to connect the town's cultural and tourist institutions and to be an ideal starting point for every guest. In the Požega House, you can learn in detail about the history of this town and its surroundings through plenty of restored items and interactive contents. An important part of the exhibition deals with great historical personalities of this region, such as friar Luka Ibrišimović and Baron Trenk. In the cellar, you will discover a unique story of wine and chocolate, an important part of the culture of living in Požega, and get to know numerous traditional meals.

Trg Svetog Trojstva 1, Požega
+385 99 314 7417

Požega City Library

The Požega city library is located in a protected cultural asset – the building of the First Požega Savings Bank. More...

The Požega city library is located in a protected cultural asset – the building of the First Požega Savings Bank. The project of adaptation and extension resulted in a significant expansion of the building and made it possible to reorganize the activities. In addition, new services and programs have been created, which makes this library a space that meets the needs of modern users.

Ul. Antuna Kanižlića 1, Požega
+385 99 482 0691

Sokol Trail

The Sokol trail is an educational trail where you get acquainted with the natural resources of the Požega mountain, its plant and animal species, geological sights, vineyards and historical heritage. More...

The Sokol trail is an educational trail where you get acquainted with the natural resources of the Požega mountain, its plant and animal species, geological sights, vineyards and historical heritage. It owes its name to friar Luka Ibrišimović Sokol, the military leader who expelled the Ottomans out of Požega. The trail leads from the St. Trinity Square via the Kalvaria to the Sokolovac. It is 1,5km long and equipped with 16 educational boards.

Sokolovac Mountain

This mountain south of Požega abounds in historical and sacred buildings. More...

This mountain south of Požega abounds in historical and sacred buildings. It is famous for the battle that led to the liberation of Požega from the Ottomans. It owes its name to the military leader friar Luka Ibrišimović who exactly from these slopes bravely chased the Ottomans out of Požega in the winter of 1688. In honour of this great victory over the Ottomans, the Austro-Croatian Emperor Leopold I. named him Sokol (engl. Falcon).

Castle of Baron Trenk

Located in Trenkovo, this classicist castle and its adjoining park tell you the ancient story of this region through the legend of the famous baron Trenk and his "cops", their colourful experiences and adventures. More...

Located in Trenkovo, this classicist castle and its adjoining park tell you the ancient story of this region through the legend of the famous baron Trenk and his "cops", their colourful experiences and adventures.


Janković Manor House

In the middle of the 18th century, the family of Counts Janković became the owners of the Pakrac manor, and with their actions they brought significant progress to the town. More...

In the middle of the 18th century, the family of Counts Janković became the owners of the Pakrac manor, and with their actions they brought significant progress to the town. Today, this manor complex, the best preserved of its kind in Croatia, comprises residential and commercial buildings with various institutions – Janković Little Castle (Museum), Janković Manor (Primary Music School Pakrac), two commercial buildings (City Hall and Home of Croatian Veterans).

Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 1, Pakrac

Archaeological Site of Pakrac Old Town

Pakrac old town was one of the largest fortresses in Western Slavonia. More...

Pakrac old town was one of the largest fortresses in Western Slavonia. The owners and builders of the fort were the people of Ivanovo who built a pentagonal hard stone town with seven towers. It is assumed that there was also a mint inside the fort for the minting of the Slavonian banovac coin. Today, the fort remains are located in the heart of Pakrac. According to the reconstruction of the fort, this was a very special site and further research will certainly uncover numerous facts of exceptional professional and scientific importance.

Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Pakrac

Omanovac Mountain Hut

The Omanovac mountain hut is located on the Omanovac mountain slope above the Šeovice village, at 655 m/asl, on a clearing surrounded by coniferous forest. More...

The Omanovac mountain hut is located on the Omanovac mountain slope above the Šeovice village, at 655 m/asl, on a clearing surrounded by coniferous forest. It was built in 1977 on the foundations of an earlier hut that burnt down. Today, the hut has a capacity of 59 beds, a kitchen, a sanitary facility and two big rooms for about a hundred people. There is also a landscaped yard with tables and benches, a children's playground, a small and a large soccer field, a ski slope with a ski lift, and a barbecue area. Next to the hut, there is a large crossing of Psunj hiking trails. In 2014, this hut was declared the best mountaineering lodge in the Croatian Mountaineering Association.

Kraguj bb

Pakrac City Museum

The Pakrac City Museum is located within the Janković Little Castle, which is part of the Janković Manor House from the 18th century. More...

The Pakrac City Museum is located within the Janković Little Castle, which is part of the Janković Manor House from the 18th century. The entire complex is special in that nowhere else in Slavonia do we find a preserved economic complex next to the castle.The museum deals with the protection and presentation of rich cultural and historical heritage of Pakrac and its surroundings.

Ulica hrvatskih velikana 2, Pakrac
+ 385 34 411 113

Lipik Thermal Baths

The sources of thermal healing water have been known since Roman times, but the first written documents about this healing centre date back to the 16th century when it was called the „Lipik spring“. More...

The sources of thermal healing water have been known since Roman times, but the first written documents about this healing centre date back to the 16th century when it was called the „Lipik spring“. Over time, the water of excellent healing properties attracted more and more people looking for healing. Thus, in addition to the healing centre, other facilities emerged and the development of health tourism started. Today, Lipik Thermal Baths are a specialized healthcare institution where patients with painful health issues of the spine, neurological conditions, post-operative recovery and degenerative diseases come for treatment. The health benefits of thermomineral waters, the centuries-old tradition and the professionalism of experts help even patients with multiple sclerosis to heal and to relieve their pain.

Ul. Marije Terezije 13, Lipik
+385 34 440 700

Lipik State Stud Farm

All horse lovers, and especially those of the famous Lipizzaner breed, must visit this stable, which is a living example of the tradition of horse breeding in this region. More...

All horse lovers, and especially those of the famous Lipizzaner breed, must visit this stable, which is a living example of the tradition of horse breeding in this region. The founder of the stud farm was Count Izidor Janković, who built a large stud farm on his property in 1843. The stud farm took off shortly before the Second World War, and in 1956 there were about 250 Lipizzaner, nonius and young horses at the stud, but due to political decisions the whole project was shut down. A new start followed in 1982, and after the destruction in the Croatian Civil War and the return of stolen horses, Lipik received the status of a State Stud in 2008. On December 1st, 2022, the multinational "Tradition of Lipizzaner Breeding" was entered on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Ergela 1, Lipik
+385 34 421 880

Kaptol Old Town

In the heart of Kaptol settlement, there is a late Gothic-Renaissance fortress, an irregular hexagonal castle with round towers and half-towers. More...

In the heart of Kaptol settlement, there is a late Gothic-Renaissance fortress, an irregular hexagonal castle with round towers and half-towers. It was erected at the end of the 14th century to keep the town secure against Ottoman attacks. The turbulent history of the fort was interrupted during the Second World War when an explosion destroyed the fort complex. Work is now underway with the aim of completely restoring the fort in its original form.

Trg Vilima Korajca, Kaptol

Kaptol Archaeological Site

The Kaptol archaeological site on the southern slopes of Papuk mountain witnesses life in these areas in the early Iron Age. More...

The Kaptol archaeological site on the southern slopes of Papuk mountain witnesses life in these areas in the early Iron Age. Two necropolises were found on this site - the southern one at the location of Kaptol-Čemernica and the northern one at the location of Kaptol-Gradac. Their content reveals numerous details about the life of the equestrian, aristocratic and warrior culture of Hallstatt, which at that time spread over the area from eastern France all the way to the Danube. Burial mounds - tumuli, Greek helmets, weapons, vessels for food and drink, the richest and only noblemen's double grave from the Iron Age found in Europe are only a small part of what was found at this site of world importance. The educational trail "On the Warrior's Paths - Iron Age in the Golden Valley" that goes through this area connects archaeology, history and tourism, thus offering an active holiday in a beautiful landscape.

Aquapark Shhhuma

The Aquapark Shhhuma is located in Velika, in the heart of the Papuk Nature Park. More...

The Aquapark Shhhuma is located in Velika, in the heart of the Papuk Nature Park. This complex built on a thermal water source has 5 swimming pools, 3 slides, a children's water tower, a playroom, a pastry shop, fast food, a slow river, a restaurant, an outdoor bar, a bar in the slow river pool and a shop. Numerous activities guarantee a full day, and various programs take place throughout the year.

Cirakijeva ulica bb, Velika

Klikun Cellar

Wine cellar from the 18th century. More...

Wine cellar from the 18th century. It is located in the centre of Pleternica.