
Museum of Bećarac

World of Graševina songful partner

„The Museum of Bećarac leads you to the heart of Slavonia. Our expositions and programs will make you know and experience the people and customs that will forever inspire you.“

Come to us, women and men
to hear what the Bećarac can!

We wrote what we knew,
let’s get to know each other, too!

This museum in Pleternica is meant to introduce the bećarac to visitors in an innovative way, as an important centuries-old intangible part of Slavonian cultural life.

The Bećarac is a witty original vocal and instrumental music form which perhaps describes best the life of Slavonian people who, despite hard work and everyday routine, always have the time for songs, jokes and joy. It is particular in that it makes women and men become equal participants in social life, and we can consider it a forerunner of the women’s struggle for emancipation.

The Bećarac accompanies every important event, unveils to us little life wisdoms and always brings a dose of so much needed joy. Due to its importance, the Bećarac was added to the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2011.

At this museum, you will discover the secrets of the Bećarac calendar and the folk customs throughout the year. You will learn everything about the past and the future of this kind of music as well as numerous other interesting things. In order to fully experience the Bećarac, you can even start singing in the museum!

Visit us

Trg bećarca, 34310 Pleternica /
+385 34 251 000

Working hours:
Tuesday – Friday 08:00 – 16:00
Saturday – Sunday 16:00 – 20:00