
Privacy policy

General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection

The privacy statement refers to the collection and processing of personal data and the use of cookies on websites.

The terms of protection of personal data refer to personal data that are found and that are processed, that is, collected and stored using the website.

Please read these general terms of personal data protection carefully. By providing your personal data through the website, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the collection, processing and use of your personal data in accordance with these general conditions.

1) Personal data collected and use of personal data

Access to the website is free and no registration is required.

In order to maintain the functionality of the website and provide the services requested by users, the website may collect and use the personal data of the user.

Your personal data is used to enable you to use services and activities through the website, to establish contact with you or to solve possible problems.

We reserve the right to provide the information obtained and your contact information to local and international law enforcement agencies if necessary.

2) Use of Cookies

In order to facilitate the use of our website, we use “Cookies” that enable the identification of registered users. Cookies are small pieces of data that are temporarily stored on the hard disk. Cookies do not contain personal data, so your privacy is protected. At each subsequent access to the Internet page, our system will search your cookie for previously recorded data.

Cookies can be classified as:

Session cookies – stored on the computer and are automatically deleted after closing the web browser. They allow the website to obtain temporary data, such as comments or shopping cart status.

Persistent cookies – remain in your web browser even after closing and usually have an expiration date. Our site uses persistent cookies to facilitate access for registered users. They store information such as username and password, which allows you to use the “remember me” functionality when logging in so that you do not have to enter your username and password every time you visit our website.

First-party cookies – come from the website you are browsing and can be temporary or permanent. They allow websites to save data that is used when the user visits the website again.

Third-party cookies – there are several external services that store limited cookies for the user (Facebook, Instagram, Google Analytics and AdWords).

What options are available to you?

In the settings of browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, you can specify which cookies you want to accept and which you will reject. The place where you can find the settings depends on the type of your browser. Use the “help” option in your browser to find the settings you need.

If you choose the option not to accept certain cookies, you may not be able to use certain functions on our website.

3) Website security

All user data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. We will store your personal data securely and will take all precautions to prevent data loss, misuse or alteration. Our website is maintained regularly and strives to protect itself from any unauthorized use. Although we use security measures to ensure that your personal data is fully protected, please note that there is always a certain risk and that unauthorized persons or applications can bypass security barriers and intercept any activity on our websites in order to harm both you and us.

4) Terms and amendments

We reserve the right to modify, extend or shorten this privacy policy from time to time. Changes to this privacy policy will always be publicly announced on our website.

With each visit to our site, we consider that you fully agree with the conditions stated here. If you do not agree with the stated conditions, please stop using our website.